Farm Visits

IAFT’s farm visits provide a unique opportunity to experience the beauty and diversity of agroforestry plantations across different regions of Karnataka. These visits offer a firsthand look at the progress and development of these farms, as well as the chance to connect with local farmers and gain new insights and knowledge. The IAFT team shares these field learning experiences with members through photographs and videos, making these visits an integral part of IAFT’s extension program.

17th Aug 2022 Dr Sridhar Mysore
9 Dec 2022 Mr Nagaraj, Agalagurki Village, CB Taluk
Dr Pratap Hegde’s Farm House visit
Dr.N. C. Patel's Farm visit

On 30.05.2023, IAFT Conducted its EC meeting and Field visit at Dr.N. C. Patel’s farm Nagadasanahalli, Bengaluru North taluk.

Retired Supreme Court Justice Mr.Gopala Gowda, Farmers ftom all over the state, IAFT office bearers and members, retired VCs and present VC, UASB, former officers of Agri Horti Forest and Police officers have participated actively.

It is a green gold field and worth visitng, Jamoon(Nerale)plot and Diversified Mango orchard flooded with healthy fruits.

Dr. N C Patel and family members have organizes and hosted the meet very well