
The Institute of Agroforestry Farmers & Technologists (IAFT) is committed to sharing the latest knowledge and innovations in agroforestry to its member community. By conducting regular webinars, IAFT provides a platform for farmers and technologists to connect virtually and learn from experts in the field.

Our webinars cover a range of topics including growing techniques, value addition and marketing strategies, as well as sharing success stories from other farmers. By hosting these events online, IAFT aims to engage farmers from all regions of the state and provide them with the tools and information needed for sustainable agroforestry practices.

IAFT uses the Google Meet App to host its webinars, which makes it easy for members to participate from wherever they are. These events take place once a month, and members can find information on upcoming webinars in this section. We encourage you to download the Google Meet App on your smart phone so that you can easily join the webinar with just a few clicks. This section also contains photos and videos from past events for reference.

Webinar Series -1 : July 21, 2022
Webinar Series -2 : Dec 6, 2022
Webinar Series -3 : Jan 16, 2023
IAFT Webinar 17 Feb 23
IAFT Webinar 2 Dec 23